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CDC.gov is where you should be getting your information.
CDC.gov Risk Assessment and Public Health chart
CDC/COVID-19 and Children
CDC/COVID-19/Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Just heard Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams, speak. He made the following points:
1. Closed schools means that kids might be at home with grandparents. The message was to be careful with this arrangement. Kids cannot go back and forth to others' homes because they could bring the virus back to the elders.
2. Following what happened in China, we'll be over the majority "of the pain" in 6 to 8 weeks.
3. The financial package is making its way through Congress right now to support families with the resources to provide for families.
4. Cancel all elective and unnecessary surgeries such as joint replacement and tonsillectomies.
His wife is also a practicing physician and while her chemotherapy is elective, it's needed. They have 3 kids...15, 14 and 10.
5. The financial package may help kids to get into small group daycare settings. The goal is for small groups only.
Once it's passed, we'll hear more about the specifics of how to access those resources.
I've heard that churches are starting to cobble together day care for kids on an informal basis. Check with your local churches.
Remember, there was a time in this country where church was the only social support system. There was no welfare, no food stamps, nothing like that...it was our religious communities who took care of their own communities. Says something powerful, doesn't it?
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