Summer Camp!!! For many kids, it's a time for kids to learn new skills and test their limits. Choosing the camp that your CHILD wants to go to is critical. If she wants to go to coding camp and you want her to go to music camp...she's going to coding camp. If you trust them enough to go to camp, trust them enough to choose the one that's interesting to them!
11 of America's Best Summer Camps That Kids Will Be Begging to Attend
American Camp Association
Summer Camps
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
Savvy tips for finding a camp for your ADHD child
Summer camps for kids with ADHD/LD
Kids with autism:
Summer camps
Finding the right summer camp
California resources for those with autism
For the question related to premature birth:
What is an APGAR score?
NICU (Neo-natal intensive care) comfort developed by the Momma of a premature baby.
A new take on March Madness Brackets-Disney versus Pixar movies. Hilarious!
See you next Sunday on the radio!
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