A palliative care nurse (hospice) started "coffin clubs" in Rotorua, New Zealand in 2010 in order to combat the crisis of loneliness that plagues the nearly 20% of the aging population who describe themselves as lonely.
Why not? Everyone dies!
The article features members of the coffin club in Hastings including a former gang member who spent more than 2 decades in prison and who has a passion for building and decorating coffins for others. He's become a central member of the group. Love it!
The bottom line is that, for $500 instead of $5000, the members can make their own coffins while enjoying the companionship. They make their coffins into unique shapes such as a bright red London phone box, popcorn-box shape, and a bright red mini-tram. Anything you want. Anything, you can decorate it in the symbols and images that are meaningful to you.
Those folks whose coffins are likely to be used in the near future, stand them up in a corner marked "urgent coffins". Funny how the folks who have "urgent coffins" end up living longer than expected and are healthier than they've been in a long time. Embracing the inevitable, establishing meaningful relationships, coming to a place of peace. Yeah, all of that stuff makes it easier to live.
Fantastic. Facebook as a Community Coffin page. Check it out. Coffin clubs are popping up in the US. I saw that there's one in Cleveland! They make gorgeous coffins!
Check out your local theaters to see if they offer the sensory-friendly movies. Not all theaters are participating.
In order to reduce sensory distress, the movie theaters turn the lights up, the sound down and kids are allowed to get up, dance around, sing and shout. Probably not a pleasant setting for your typically-developing child.
Didn't have a lot of time to review this, so I'll be talking about it next week once I do some more research!
Ted is a wide receiver for the New Orleans Saints and is one of the fastest NFL players in the league. He missed going to the Olympics by one second and Matthew is in training for them. Matthew will be going to the University of GA. Check out the article. Fun and inspiring!
Good luck out there! See you on the radio next week.
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