You know what the difference is between the summer schedule and the rest of the year? Not much...just no homework if your kid isn't in summer school. And then, there's the child care issue. Not in school? Gotta be somewhere Camp, parks and rec programs, grandma's...
I faced the same problems as you do. Notice the "past tense"..."faced" The Kid will be 31 soon, so those days are long behind me, but only in's still stressful to recall it all.
It does end. They do grow up and when they do, they often need just as much supervision as when they were 3. As teenagers, they can get into quite a lot of "life altering" stuff, so don't drop your guard.
You will survive...Gloria Gaynor said so and I believe her.
The inventor, Matt Mundt, designed it for himself because of lifelong problems with insomnia and, when he was younger, sleep walking.
Weighted blankets didn't work for him and doctors only prescribed medication. His Sleep Pod works comparably to being swaddled and offers 360 degrees of pressure which help him, and apparently, many others, to sleep.
Do your research. See what others say. Maybe it'll help you, maybe not.
But, here are things that will help.
- Keep the room cool. Your body needs to drop 1-3 degrees before your sleep system will trigger.
- No caffeine or alcohol. Oh sure, you can drink yourself to sleep, but you won't stay asleep because of the way alcohol influences your sleeping brain.
- Maybe have some "Soundscapes" by Calm going. I use the free ones at the bottom of the page...Light Rain is my fav.
- Consider getting an Apple Watch and installing the Sleep Watch app by Body Matter. It just might give you the information you need such as body temperature, heart rate, movement disturbances, patterns, etc., that may help you make some decisions about changing your sleep habits. Because it takes the brain 2-3 days to learn to sleep in a different environment such as a hotel room, a friend's house or a sleep study room, you may get more information from the watch/app combo than from undergoing a sleep study. It's up to you!
Check out this blog post that I wrote for listeners in Simi Valley, CA on Friday.

Spirit Pieces makes gorgeous keepsakes out of cremation remains. Live, Laugh Love Art in Portland, Oregon teaches customers to blow their own glass memorials in individualized 1-hour sessions.
A wonderfully meaningful gift.

Additional features include muting the radio when the seat belts are unlocked, an alarm that sounds when the pre-set speed is exceeded and limiting the speed to 85.
This safety package will launch in 2020 in the Traverse, Malibu and Colorado with more models likely to follow. Check it out.
I suspect he has Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. He lies in order to "fill-in-the-blanks" because he doesn't remember what he does. This kind of deficit is related more to executive functioning disorders than to criminal behavior at this time of his life.
Parents describe their son as being caring and compassionate, so I'm not really concerned about him being a sociopath.
Their son is also experiencing significant issues with schoolwork and, apparently, lying to cover his struggles.
Parents need to have him evaluated not only for ADHD, but also for deficits in achievement (reading, writing, and math) and problems with the processes associated with learning such as organizational skills, self-monitoring, time management, sequencing, speed of processing, memory and his ability to both start and finish tasks.
They need to do this in order to help the school, by using the Section 504 Plan, craft a support system to help him to "show what he knows".
I recommended that if their son is diagnosed with ADHD, that they join CHADD which will give them tons of resources and sign up to receive the online version of Additude, a very helpful monthly magazine.
I created a number of articles on regarding ADHD. Basically, it's just about everything I know condensed into "digestible" summaries. Go to the search bar and key in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and a list will come up.
Good luck out there!
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