Happy Father's Day! Enjoy! But, we're hoping your kid didn't give you THIS card from Target. Have the best Father's Day ever.
Such a sense of humor! This little boy and his Dad created a potential embarrassing sign for Mom when she arrived at the airport. Check it out here.
Summertime and the living is easy as long as you don't...
...spray your kids or pets with the hose for this dangerous reason!
...forget your child in the car.
...or, you make assumptions about how capable they are to get out of a car on their own.
My advice? Look, lock, then leave.
...don't let your child be more than an arm's length from you while you're in a body of water. About 708 kids die every year during the summer months of June, July and August. Learn about who drowns and why. It's the information you need to know about dry drowning, secondary drowning and near drowning.
...also, this device might be helpful for those activities in lakes, rivers or the oceans. Just a thought!
The Pregnancy Guide to Starbucks is here.
Limited time offer. Want a pizza bouquet for your wedding day?!?!
The aftermath of suicide. For children, it breaks their world as nothing else can. In the Los Angeles area, there is support in terms of Our House. Find out about it here.
It's dangerous because it can "morph" into Oppositional Defiant Disorder, then Conduct Disorder and finally, Antisocial Personality Disorder.
There's help at Children with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD). Join your local chapter. With your subscription, you get the monthly Attention! magazine. Adults with ADHD can get help here.
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