You know how you get red eyes from swimming in a pool or a Jacuzzi and think it's because there's too much chlorine in the water? Actually, it's the result of mixing urine with pool chemicals. Don't believe me? Here's a resource.
Thinking of making a change? Want to live in a place where you'll just feel better? Here is some information on geomedicine. Geomedicine evaluates how your location impacts your health and life satisfaction. Check out this resource.
Can you get a better quality of sleep from doing just one simple thing? Yep, that's what the research says. Jot down a few of the tasks from your to-do- list before you go to bed and you'll have more restful sleep. It's called "cognitive offloading"...a fancy name for "write it down". It appears that if you write your list, then you won't worry as much and, you know how much you worry when you go to bed! See if it works for you!
Are there changing attitudes about acne? Check out this article to learn about the "body positivity" movement. It may help your kid. Here's YouTube video about the same concepts.
So, the chemicals out on the street and in your yard follow you into your home and they can make you gain weight, especially if you have carpet. Here's the case for the "obesogens" interfering with your metabolism. Wow.
Well, I like okra nearly as much as I like carpet. Yuck. I will not eat a vegetable with hair. The hubs loves it, so I make it every blue moon. But, I found a great article that may make me change my mind. I'm going to abandon my ugly attitude about this hairy veggie and make up some of these recipes. I much prefer the roasted garlic parmesan carrots I found a recipe for on my Facebook newsfeed. Oh my stars! Want the recipe? Let me know and I'll post it.
The finale! Here's a giggle. Ever wonder how those fabulous OPI nail polishes get their oh-so-fun names? Here's the woman whose job it is to name them. Read to find out "how" she does it! She's got a great job. I'm jelly.
See you next week on the radio!
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