Barry, I know that you're really afraid right now and you'll continue to be afraid until you channel your energies into helping your boy. Here's the list of resources to help you do just that. Folks are worried for you...please touch back when you've got a plan.
All of us can learn from your journey...
1. Contact your county's psychological association and find a psychologist who works with children and does assessments. If you're in Smith County, for example, search "Smith County, AZ, psychological association". On those kind of sites, you can see the profiles of the clinicians.
2. The American Occupational Therapists Association
These professionals will evaluate and treat his motor/muscle issues.
3. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
These professionals will evaluate and treat his speech and language deficits.
4. The American Physical Therapy Association
These professionals will treat the strength and functionality of his muscles.
5. Council of Parent Advocates and Attorneys, Inc.
These professionals can help you to access the public school system to get your son appropriate services.
Or, he can call local psychologists who conduct assessments and find out which college counselor they use to place their clients. Go to the website of your county's psychological association and check the profiles of the clinicians to see what kind of work they do.
So, you're worried about his hearing, eh? Try the Nura (Nuraphone) or the Even headphones. They have spectacular capability to protect his hearing and please the music lover in him. Ha...love it. Even headphones advertises themselves as being "glasses for your ears".

The sad fact, for whatever reason, Jason, their mother isn't there. However, you take these 4 bulls by the horns and start leading them to manhood.
Men become men in the company of other men. You're it, Jason, you're the "company" that will make them men.
Follow the guidelines in this blog post to shape them into the kind of men you want them to be.

From his description, she's likely to have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. He needs to move her toward getting an assessment to determine if this damaging disorder is sabotaging her life.
Can't find a psychologist to do an evaluation? Go to your county's psychological association website and look for referrals. If she has ADHD, the psychologist can make a referral to a psychiatrist to get the medication management right the first time.
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