It’s a powerful tool that also works for your family. If you advertise your shared goals and purpose, it becomes embedded in the fabric of the family culture. This is the role of the Family Mission Statement. It’s a clear declaration of the values that support a satisfying home life.
Your family may value respect, consideration and cooperation. List only 3 values on the Family Mission Statement. When those 3 are mastered, choose 3 more.
Hang the Family Mission Statement in a highly visible place.
It could read as follows:
The Smith family respects each other, cooperates with each other and is considerate of each other’s needs.
That’s it. It may feel awkward and kids may be embarrassed. Oh well.
Parents, stay committed. When the kids violate the values, tell them, “That’s not helpful and it’s not part of our family mission. You’ll do better next time.”
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