For school kids, grades are like money. They’re the delayed reward of six weeks’ worth of work.
That single grade may not be an accurate reflection of your child’s achievement.
If a student has an inconsistent performance, that inconsistency is likely to be hidden by the overall grade. This is why it’s important to keep track of your kid’s daily class performance.
Does the pattern tell you your child is doing well on homework, but failing the tests? Maybe she needs extra time to show what she knows or she hasn’t had enough practice to make the concepts at the ready when she needs them.
In the classroom, students are primed, prompted and prepared by teachers in order to review the information learned the day before to shore up their foundation in order to move onto the next step. This isn’t what happens on tests.
Students sit down and answer the questions. Problems with memory could be undermining them. Ask for a school meeting to address your concerns.
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