Anti-bullying programs. What a crock! They’re only effective in deluding parents that “something” is being done.
If the school administration is serious, every principal, counselor, and available adult, will be patrolling the halls, observing the interactions. Their mere presence reduces bullying.
In my experience, principals say there’s nothing we can do about it, it’s a police matter. The police say it’s a school issue and the next thing you know, a group of boys has set another boy's backpack on fire as he walks down the hall, unaware that he’s on fire. That was a real situation.
The school staff let it get out of hand. Even when the student moved to another school, the taunting continued. Cyberbullying then reached tragic levels.
School principals, create a system that works for your school’s particular personality. Create guidelines for parents that make them responsible for their kids’ behavior. That’s when real change will happen.
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