Feel that life is unfair?
Is the world out to get you?
Make excuses for living a “less than” life?
The life you’re living may not be your fault, but it’s your responsibility to make changes.
The only real change happens in small steps. Inventory your life.
What part is draining your energy the most? Change that first.
If you can’t change that, then move to the next condition on the list.
Change just one eating habit, drop the friend who’s a parasite, read a book, stop doing that one thing that makes you unhealthy or miserable or sad.
You’ll have to stop slowly because now, you’re addicted to using it as an excuse for your lack of growth and progress.
Being honest with who you are is likely to be the ugliest and most challenging part.
Are you jealous?
Hard to get along with?
Do you judge others?
Blow up their dreams?
When you get tired of it, you’ll change. That’s the good news.
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