We adults also know not to do certain things, but we go ahead and do them anyway. We eat too much, smoke, drink and don’t floss our teeth. We spend our family's resources on things we don't absolutely need, because we absolutely want it. We know better than that.
Why is there such a gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it (executing)? Because it’s about making a decision and sticking with your decision and it requires effort and commitment.
Want to change? Identify one behavior you want to change. It might be the easiest one or the most difficult. Commit to that behavior and stay dedicated until it is well-established.
To change behavior, practice for a full month. Floss your teeth every night. Reward yourself with more time in the tub or a little extra reading. You’ll see that once the behavior is established, you’ll feel like something is missing if you don’t do it! You'll actually feel compelled to do it in order to avoid the Pragnanz Syndrome. The Pragnanz Syndrome is when your brain "nags" you because something isn't done!
Change yourself a little at a time and be more satisfied with who you are. We can all improve just a bit.
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